effective exercises for slimming the abdomen and the sides

To give the figure of the beautiful curves and get rid of body fat, it is recommended to perform exercises for slimming the abdomen at home. Despite the fact that many experts recommend to remove fat in the belly going to a workout and consume the exact amount of calories, the result can be achieved and in the home. However, the normal abdominal cannot guarantee a rapid fat burning and weight loss.

The bike

The problem of the workouts consist not only in the ineffectiveness of the exercises, but also in the approach, in general. The training must be comprehensive, to ensure maximum tension in all the muscles of the peritoneum. To achieve lose weight, it is necessary to follow a deficit of calories, lead an active lifestyle and practicing it regularly.

The cause of the education of excess weight in the abdominal area

Before you start the fight with the fat in the abdominal area, it is necessary to understand why it is delayed here. In addition to outside the lack of attractiveness gut, deposition in this area may lead to the development of serious diseases.

The main causes of sediment refers to:

  1. The genetic predisposition. Common cause of the formation of fat in the belly. It is with this reason to fight most difficult of all, because if the next of kin body was in the shape of an apple, there is a high probability in the same way. In this case, the deposits will be, in the first place it accumulates in the abdominal area. The only solution to the problem is to get rid of excess fat all over the body.
  2. The alteration of metabolism. With age the metabolism slows down, therefore, increases the risk of formation of deposits of fat.
  3. The sedentary lifestyle. The current pace of life does not allow you to spend a lot of time on the feet. The work in the office takes to long to its location in the same position, therefore, is to consume less calories than you consume, and this leads to the formation of fat.
  4. To eat in excess. Not only is it important to eat well, but to consume the necessary amount of calories, which is calculated in function of the physical activity and body weight. To remove deposits of fat you must create a calorie deficit.
  5. The stress. Nervous over-voltage influences the state of the organism in general, but in the first place, leads to an increased level of cortisol. Elevated levels of this hormone causes deposits in the area of the waist.
  6. The hormonal change. Any change in the levels of hormones, disrupting the functioning of the whole organism. After 40 years, the level of the sex hormones is reduced, which causes an increase of the mass of the body, especially in the area of the waist. In this case, you will need to move more, or reduce the number of calories in the food.

Oblique curvature

The excess weight in the sides and the belly can't escape completely with the help of miracle pills or drops. Requires a permanent work on yourself, that includes eating a proper diet and special exercises for burning fat.

The rules of execution of the exercises

To quickly remove the fat from the area of the sides and belly, exercises you must follow certain rules:

  1. Comprehensive training. To get rid of body fat, not just paris download press dlish thin waist. It is necessary to combine cad and special training for the corset muscle with the load in the mouth, stomach, and back.
  2. Maximum of a varied program. It is recommended to split the training intense cardio (15-20 minutes) and the exercises to burn fat (15-20 minutes). The exercise should capture all of the muscles.
  3. A long training session. It is difficult to achieve any visible effect, if you take care less than 30 minutes. Only after 20 minutes of intense workout, start the process of burning of fat, short of occupation can only lead to strengthen the muscles of the waist, but not the burning of fat.
  4. The most important regular classes. The effectiveness of the training depends on its regularity. The optimal mode of most important classes – every other day. To accelerate the fat burning you should train each and every day. The minimum frequency of the most important classes is two times a week. For a more quickly reduce the weight of the body should emphasize cardio workout.
  5. With proper nutrition. For a quick burning of body fat, you should pay attention and feeding. Eat recommended in the framework of a calorie deficit. If you do not feel in the power, then you can not lose weight, even when day and intense exercises. Therefore, for a correct food is necessary to calculate the adequate amount of calories to the table in function of your weight and physical activity.
  6. The use of dumbbells. To improve the effectiveness of the exercises can be using weights. In case of his absence, you can apply a plastic bottle with water or sand.

If you follow these recommendations, you can get rid of the fat in the abdomen and the sides in just a few weeks, giving the press hardness and visibility.

Effect of the inclination of the sides of the

The complex of effective exercises

Performing exercises is an essential element of a weight reduction program, and allows you to get rid of excess weight in the abdominal area and the sides. To achieve meaningful results, you should combine the exercise with a correct diet. Consider the most effective of a series of exercises to burn fat in the abdomen.

The vacuum

The basis of this exercise is proper breathing. Initial position – on all fours, the hands are on the elbows. It is necessary to make a deep breathing and relax the muscles of the press. After you exhale gently, pulling your belly in and of itself. Stay in this position it is recommended that, as a minimum, 30 seconds.

Effect of the inclination of the sides of the

The complex helps to strengthen the muscles of the sides. Stand up straight with your feet wide, lift the hand above the head. Make the inclination of the trunk to one side to feel the tension of the muscles of the other party. In this position should be maintained at between 15 and 20 seconds, after which make the slope towards the other side.

Elevations of legs sitting

The elevation of the housing on the side of the strip

You should sit in a chair, keeping your back straight. The hand should be put below the feet, so that they are the palms of the hands facing down. Deeply inhale and exhale. You have to lift your knees and tighten your chest. In this position, you must stay in 8-10 seconds.

Strap with curves

This exercise is of great help not only for the press, but also for the back, hips and legs. You must accept the position of the strap, and socks, and the elbows are in contact with the ground. The body must be smooth. In this position should be maintained around 30 seconds, and then do a turn in the lateral position of the belt. It is necessary to keep the body on the forearm of a hand and the socks. In this position also the need to maintain a minute and a half. To make it turn the same and second-hand.

Circular rotation

This exercise allows you to give a good load in all the press. Must lie on the floor, knees bent and lowering the feet. Lifting the upper part of the body and turning from side to side, trying to make a full circle. It is very important that the legs and thighs, and remained in the same position, without turning sideways. Circular rotation should be performed at least 5 times to each side. The whole movement should be done slowly, and breathe in the quiet pace.


The most popular is the exercise for slimming the waist. It highlights not only the excellent result, but and ease of implementation. You must lie on your back, bend your legs and feet to put exactly on the ground. The hands should be put under the head, bent at the castle. Take a deep breath, slowly lifting the upper torso. The closer to the head is going to be the waist, for greater efficiency in the running of the complex. On the exhale return to the starting position.

Elevation of the pelvis

Elevations of legs sitting

Excellent structure for the training of the lower part and the middle part of the peritoneum. Initial position – lying on his back. The legs should be stretched up and a little bent. The arms should be stretched along the housing. Slowly lift your pelvis as high as possible, if you are staying in a few seconds. The movement must be performed thanks to the muscles of the abdomen, the legs and the pelvis should not move to the side.

Oblique curvature

You must lie down on the mat, with hands under the head and the feet of bend so that the feet did not touch the ground. Lifting the upper part of the trunk, rotate the left shoulder to the right. The right-hand side must be stationary. After passing complex to the other side.

The climber

Dynamic, intense and complex, that starts the fat burning process in the body. It is necessary to take emphasis on the soil in the hands stretched out and the socks. The knee of a leg is necessary to tighten the chest. Return the leg to the starting position and perform the movement of the other leg. At the initial level can be made of the structure in the elbows, gradually increasing the load.

The bike

A classic structure for strengthening the muscles of the waist. It is necessary to lie on the floor, put your hands under the head, and the feet of to lift, bend your knees. The right knee is necessary to re-tighten the chest, to straighten the leg and lift the chest in the left knee. The feet change constantly. The rhythm of the movements is not as important as the careful of the muscle tension. The belly should strive to create a sense of torque to the wheels of the bicycle.

The elevation of the housing on the side of the strip

Rolling the socks

Optimal movement of the oblique muscles. Can make even people with a minimum of physical education. Provides a high load of work and the efficiency. However, it is not recommended to perform when the pain or disease of the back. Should I take the emphasis on feet and hands, and straighten whole body. Make slow, by effect of the inclination of the pelvis on the floor. It is important to avoid flexion of the back. The movement should be smooth and soft. When running the complex must be deeply and breathe quietly.

Crunch with legs

Rest, stretch the legs up and crossed them. Lifting the upper part of the body maximum upward, while the hands pulled at the feet. When you run the movement, you should pay special attention to the breathing. During expiration have to lift the body and the inspiration – to return to the initial position.

Rolling the socks

This complex efficiently and even helps to strengthen the muscles and reduce the abdomen. You must lie down on the ground, with the hands under the head. The legs should be slightly elevated, socks stretched. Setting aside the sex of the shoulders and pull it forward. One leg should be skipped on the ground to lightly touching the tip of the foot. The leg return to its original position. Repeat the movement of the second leg. It is very important that the back pressed to the ground. For beginners, you can simplify the structure. To do this, to perform the movement needs no lifting of the shoulders.

Elevation of legs, lying

The simple movement to perform in the home. Lie down on your back, hands put along the housing. Gradually lift one leg to the height of 50-60 degrees. In this position, you must place the foot in a few seconds. Slowly, and with a snap of the lower leg. It is necessary to carry out a complex of 10 to 15 times for each leg. Elevating the legs can and, at the same time. For more complex motion during the time of the descent of the feet should not touch the floor.


Whirlwind attack

The feet should be on the ground, at the feet of having the knees bent. The hand should be put under the head. Of the queue to pull one of his legs, trying to reach up to the chest. When you do this movement you have to move, not my feet only, but also the back. Exhale during flexion, and breathe when returning to the initial position. It is important that all movements done at a slow pace, and quiet breathing. Perform 5 to 10 movements for each leg. To complicate the complex should be in place of one of the legs of lift two.

All of these exercises are simple enough for beginners and very effective for weight loss in the stomach and weight loss in general. If 2-3 times a week to spend at least 30 minutes of the application of the complex, you can get a thin waist.

Aerobic exercise

Fulfilling complex to slim the waist can make the press strong, get rid of saggy belly and put in order the internal organs. However, if there is an excess of weight, the use only of this complex may be a little to fast slimming. The muscles to swing, but the belly fat will remain. Therefore, the diet should contain fewer calories.

In this case, we recommend the intense of aerobic exercise, which stimulate the burning of oxygen and to speed up the process of calorie burning and weight loss. For rapid weight loss, you must practice walking, dancing, standing, swimming, active sports. The combination of a complex, active lifestyle and a proper diet it is possible to acquire a beautiful and trim waist. To accelerate the thinning of the time, and the frequency of training should increase, and also to provide a calorie deficit in the diet.