All about the diet of pierre Dukan. A detailed description of all the stages of the

The diet, which invented and perfected the medical nutritionist france — pierre Dukan, one of the most popular in the world. And this is totally deserved, since it's designed more than thirty years. It all started with the fact that in 1975, pierre Dukan at the reception was a patient with a severe form of obesity, who wanted to help not only lose weight, but also fix the result of diet throughout the life. Therefore, your diet has developed and been modified over the years, and at the beginning of the year 2000, the whole world saw your book titled "I don't know to lose weight", that collects all the elaborations in many years. All about the Dukan diet in detail you can learn from this article.

The products of the Dukan diet

Description and phases of the diet, pierre Dukan

The diet consists of four phases, which each have their own name: "Attack", "Rotation", "Fixation", the "Stabilization". The first three of the stage is the "foundation" of the diet, and the number of days carried out in the diet should have the same, from how much you want to lose weight (the end result will be cover depends only on the sensitivity of the organism). The last stage, this is an example of how you have to eat if you want to more not gain weight.

Each phase of the diet of the interesting. In the first phase, it will take only protein foods. The second phase of the elimination of vegetables and protein foods. Throughout the third stage in your menu add a hard cheese, fruit, and starch products. Well, and in the fourth phase, is already a correct and healthy throughout the years.

The rules of the diet

Is in the mode of studying, the basic rules of the diet that is expressly forbidden to violate. The breach of data points is very has a great impact on the final result.

  • Forget the existence of elevators, and make daily a walk of at least 30 minutes;
  • Drinking during the day no less than 2 liters of pure water without gas;
  • Completely abandon alcoholic and soft drinks, sweets, semi-finished products and vegetable fats, mayonnaise and other sauces;
  • Exclude from the diet fruit with a high sugar content: grapes, bananas, dates, cherries, figs;
  • Dressing for salads and other dishes of only the lemon juice.
Meats low in fats

These rules must be remember throughout the diet, and dealing with the increased responsibility they take.

The first stage of "Attack"

The first phase of the diet, you can consider it the most difficult. You will have to morally to himself to set up the success, your body to adapt to the new diet. The phase of "Attack", it motivates and gives confidence, because it will be much lose weight, thanks to the protein in the diet.

In the first stage, it will be necessary to prepare the dishes are only product of protein. Vegetable protein should be excluded, since it does not contain the sufficient amount of carbohydrates. Mandatory requirement of this stage is what is needed going to drinking 1.5 tablespoons of oat bran each day.

Below is the list of products of proteins, of which you can have a letter for the first phase of "Attack". It is possible to, when you want and how you want.

  1. Eggs. No more than 2 units per day. The egg white will can prepare as you want and in unlimited quantities.
  2. All meats are low in fat. Veal, beef, chicken, beef liver, ham lean, the meat of rabbit, tongue of veal. With the exception of the meat of pork and lamb.
  3. Seafood. All of the lean fish, salmon roe, crabs, squid, mussels.
  4. Non-fat dairy products. Cottage cheese, milk, kefir, ryazhenka, yogurt without flavorings and additives.

Of the products listed have a menu of dishes that you are going to cook, and is divided into several meals.

The second stage of the "Alternation"

Vegetable salad

In the second stage, as well as in the first, occurs a thinning of the body, but it is not so intense. The duration of the second phase is to be calculated on the basis of their individual weight, and use the table above.

In the stage of the "Toggle" will toggle the days of proteins with protein – vegetable, with the calculation of 5-to-5 or 1-to-1. For example, one day of egg, the following vegetables with proteins. Or five days of proteins, the following five with the addition of vegetables.

The menu of the second phase is equal to that of the first, you should only add the vegetables. You can use the following vegetables: asparagus beans, mushrooms, peppers, zucchini (for more information on the pumpkin diet), eggplant, spinach, asparagus, tomatoes, cabbage, radishes, celery and other. Are prohibited in vegetables, in which many starch: potatoes, corn, beans, and other.

Vegetables is best of all in the raw, salads, or cooking, stewing and steaming. It is also mandatory throughout the process of taking two tablespoons of oat bran.

The third stage of the "Fixing"

The penultimate stage of the Dukan diet is called "Fixation", and is designed to maintain the result you have already achieved. The duration of the third stage is calculated on the beginning of each reset kilogram of weight throughout the first two phases, is equal to ten days for the third stage. For example, he managed to get rid of every 5 kilos of weight, then the duration of the phase of "Anchor will be 50 days.

At this stage, your menu, it is necessary to add:

  1. Fruit. It is allowed, is a fruit of medium size in a day. In addition to bananas, grapes, nuts, cherries, cherries.
  2. Solid cheese. A solid chunk of cheese per day, with a weight of no more than 40 grams. It is hard, and the cheese with mold, or cream.
  3. Starch products. Once a week you can eat foods that contain starch. Pasta with solid varieties, rice, lentils, baked with the skin of the potatoes, the vegetables.
  4. The oat bran
  5. Once a week – "the Feast of the stomach".This means that once a week, you are allowed to eat what you want, only one meal (first, second, and dessert).

Also the length of the third stage, once a week you will have to give one of the proteins of the day (in the book there is a recommendation that the best way to do this is on Thursday). Do not forget to take the oat bran, every day 2.5 tablespoons.

The fourth stage - "Stabilization"

Go through the three steps, and falling on the same number of pounds that you have planned, you should feel for yourself incredible pride. Now that the weight he had fought with this kind of difficulty, not returned, will have to follow some rules daily diet.

  1. Along the fourth stage, a day of the week should be exclusively "protein".
  2. Every day to eat three tablespoons of oat bran.
  3. Drink at least two liters of pure water without gas, all the days.
  4. Walk at least twenty minutes a day.

Now you can eat everything you love, you only know the measure, and the best way to reduce to a minimum the number of roasts, of fat and do.